Monday, March 16, 2015

Sunday Funday

CHURCH. I was looking forward to this part of my trip for many reasons and it did not disappoint. We have church with three families in an apartment. I was excited to see how church here would be different and also how it would be similar. At 8:30 we left our apartment and took an hour bus commute to the other side of Ningbo where we met Peter. He and his wife, Christina, are from Hungary but have been living here with there 3 kids for Peter's job. He is the jolliest man I have ever met and his family is just as jolly. They hold church at their home which is beautiful. Craig Hancock is the local priesthood leader and conducts the meetings. His wife Frances is from Ghana and their three kids are the cutest half black children you ever did meet. Oh did I mention that Craig is from Leeds and if there is any reason to go to church it is to listen to his accent. The third family in the group consists of Rebecca (an American!), her husband who is Muslim, and her two kids. Then add 8 American girls to the mix and you've got church.

It was the most spiritual and welcoming church I think I have attended. It might've been because we sat on the couch or because it was only two hours long, but I think it was because I knew that the church was true inside and outside of my whole body. Sure things were done a little different, but the spirit was the same. And I knew that the people in that apartment wanted to be there and wanted to worship. It was such a rewarding experience to see so much faith in such a diverse group of people. Pretty sure Sunday's will become my favorite days.


  1. this is exactly how i felt in china. church was such a neat thing because everything became so much REAL yet everything was so SIMPLE. i got to attend a baptism inside an apartment! it was the coolest thing to be part of. the church is true!!! everywhere!!!

  2. It really is such a great change of perspective! The people treasure the church so much and they don't fret about the trivial things!
