About Me


Anyone reading this probably already knows everything about me. But if not, here's the rundown. I'm Megan and I am going to live in Ningbo, China for four months to teach English. I love ASIANS and especially their babies so I think this will be a rewarding life choice. I am also certain this trip will lead to many funny experiences which is probably the reason you are here. But buckle up for an overload of asian baby pictures cause that's probably what this will turn into.

Other fun-ish facts about me:
-Dance parties are my preferred form of exercise
-Only listening to OLDIES on the radio these days
-Not a fan of soda
-Number one Wendy's frosty fan
-Spirit animal according to several online questionnaires: koala or other bear variety

SHOUT OUT to my sisters for helping me join the blogging world and SHOUT OUT to Mom and Dad for contributing to my reader base!! 

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