Monday, March 16, 2015

My Babies

1st week of teaching down and I've gotta tell you about my babies! I volunteered to teach the 3-6 age group (AKA I strongly hinted to the group that I needed that spot to survive and they let me take it) #BLESSED.

First of all I had no idea what I was getting myself into and I still don't! They are quite the handful. Bust mostly a handful of cuteness because I mean AZN BEBES AM I RITE?! Let me just show you the cutest schedule I got.

You are reading this schedule correctly if you interpret "small small" to be 3 yr olds and "big two" to be 6 year olds. I'm guessing whoever made this didn't remember their English numbers so just used sizes instead. Too cute. I think I forgot how small 3 yr olds are because I planned a craft thinking they could do it and quickly realized we would just be playing with stickers and giving hugs all day.

Small Small Class

The first day I even got to name a few of my boys in "Middle Class" because they didn't have American names yet! Mason, Chester, Owen, Adam, and John. Still beating myself up over the fact that I picked a name as bland as John, but I was under pressure and he really just looks like a John. I'm trying to memorize all of their names and it is getting easier as I get to know them. I am absolutely in in love with all of them already. Told you this would turn into ALL asian baby pictures reeeeeal fast.

1 comment:

  1. i love this all. SO MUCH. those azn bbz sure are the real reason for livig
