Monday, March 23, 2015

Tianyi Times

At the end of the 330 bus line you find this great international shopping center called Tianyi Square. There is a cool pagoda and little market vendors and then basically a City Creek on steroids.

Rachel bought this wonderful unicorn sweatshirt and we shared a tender lady and the tramp moment over street noodles.

There was also a Catholic Cathedral that we went into. Apparently, you can practice Christian religions as long as the Communist government is in control of the church. This is why there are some churches and not others. Pres. Monson doesn't want China to rule the church so we aren't quite allowed in yet. 

Also found this statue. My dreams of becoming Mulan are quickly coming true here and I am not mad about it in the slightest. GREAT STONE DRAGON and I pictured below.

However, the best moment of this adventure was not the shopping or the statue. It was dancing. We happened upon this wedding showcase in the middle of Tianyi. Some guys were playing music outside the tent. Being Americans we decided to make a scene and start dancing. And wow did a crowd form! The guys started dancing with us and we had a mini dance party in front 100+ asians documenting every moment on their iPhones. I have never felt more like a celebrity than in that moment. I'm hoping we pop up on China social media and become famous for realz.