Monday, March 16, 2015

Neato Ningbo

Due to computer malfunctions I haven't been able to share anything! But my incompetent self has finally fixed the problem and now you have TONS to read about Chinaland!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Ningbo and all the girls here with me! The first few days we we busy settling into our new apartment and the school that we didn't explore our city very much. But God made Saturday's for adventures and we took advantage of  that. We started our adventure close to home in the poorer neighborhoods by the school. Life is so different here and this was the first time it really hit me. My cool blogger friend told me one time that pictures are worth like 89 words or something like here are some of those...

We stopped to eat lunch at this Muslim noodle place and now I believe in love at first sight. The noodle man was so friendly and he was making the noodles from the dough right in front of us! And they were beyond delicious. We also met his wife and grandchildren which are OK SO CUTE. And TWINS. I took a million pictures of them but one will suffice. All around a great start to our adventure.

Then we decided to hit up the city. We took the bus to Moon Lake Park which is absolutely the coolest. Here's some photographic evidence. Parks in China often have work out sections because they don't have many gyms and so per usual we took a fast exercise break during our park stroll. It was quite fun.

My Gurlz at our Lake

After that, WANDA PLAZA(aka everything)!! Movies, shopping, food, THE WORKS. Mostly we go for the grocery store because weekend food at the cafeteria is gross. But we usually get spoiled so I can't complain. Like they fed us chicken nuggets the other day! Slice of heaven. Our cafeteria really is so nice to us American folk and the food has been better than I expected. Breakfast is different because we usually have fried rice or soup or noodles or some other "lunch" variety meal. But I am always full and always satisfied so life is swell.

China is a sometimes I walk around thinking "Is this a dream or real life?" Like the dogs are held by hangers and people take pictures of us everywhere we go and then I feel like I'm a celebrity or like something must be on my face all the time.

All in all Ningbo's pretty neato. I know that doesn't rhyme but I like the word neato so just give it to me.


  1. will never get over those twins OR the lil one in the street with the red jumpsuit. i'm still laughing

  2. OH MY I am DYING at the dog. yes china is the BEST don't you love being a celebrity?? also those TWINS EEEE. also i miss Muslim noodles SO much they were one of my favorite foods in china. i also miss the parks & the shopping centers and everything china has to offer so SOAK IT ALL IN WHILE YOU CAN!!! i am so jealous.

  3. I'm glad you both appreciate those babies as much as I do!! And Emilee I wish I could bring it all back in my suitcase for you! I know I'm going to mish everything and it's only been 3 weeks!
