Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Over 24 hours of travel and I have made it to Ningbo!! Simply for my parents sake here's how the adventure went down. My roomates Kayla and Jacqueline are MVPs for dropping me off at the airport at 6:30 on Tuesday morning. This is me struggling to push my bags into the airport.

And then this was the agenda for all of Tuesday/Wednesday:

SLC-->San Fran-->Seoul, Korea-->Shanghai-->School bus to Ningbo

Due to spotty wifi here are the highlights:
1. Not having to pay for extra weight on bags (God is real)
2. Bibimbap Korean airplane food
3. Distrust in all airplane meat
4. Watching 3 movies on the plane
5. Seeing the Asian version of Claire Daines
6. Making it to every flight on time and not losing any luggage (God is still real)
7. Having mini heart attacks everytime I see an Asian baby which is about 3 times a minute these days
here's one from the airport.

Made it to Ningbo at 2:00 on Wednesday night and I am so glad to be in CHINA. This was our cute welcome present! Even included toilet paper (God is more real than ever).

my bed pre-mosquito net

glamping these days
Our apartment

Locals only: so peace signs and Asian buns


  1. yayyy!! so excited to follow your adventures!

  2. i love allll of this. your sense of adventure, your love of azn bbz, your excitement for life
