Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Single digits TODAY and all I think about is this beautiful place I will be moving to in 9 days. For those of you willing to follow this journey, get ready for lots of pictures of Ningbo!

NINGBO (宁 波) means "serene waves"

oh hey ocean view!
Ningbo is a seaport city in the Zhejiang province and one of China's oldest cities! At least that's what Wikipedia told me. Its got the oldest library dating back to ol' Ming Dynasty days and the oldest intact wooden temple in Eastern China! Who knew?! Ningbo is also the ancestral home of THE Yo Yo Ma so that's pretty cool. I forsee that Yo Yo Mama jokes will be making a speedy comeback. OBVI I am already stoked to be a part of this great city and all of the history involved! I'm preparing myself for delicious seafood still a crawlin' and rice on rice on rice. But no worries American tummy! Wiki also informed me that a Starbucks and Papa John's Pizza are staple American stops in Ningbo. I get the beeeeeeest of both worlds! S/O to Miley.

I will be living in an apartment for teachers at the Ningbo Zhicheng School International. It's a boarding school so the kids stay at the school during the week too! This means I basically get to be their temp mom and tuck them into bed at night. DREAMS DO COME TRUE! I'm so excited it's hard to put into words. Ningbo will be the perfect place to call home for the next 4 months.


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