Monday, May 25, 2015

China Crushes

Let me introduce you to some of my favorite children in all the world.

Peter: I had a crush on him from day #1. I know he's only four and waiting for him is impossible but in another life we would be together. He's smarter than the average bear and gives me a bear hug everyday after class. Plus he'll probably be a doctor. I'm trying really hard not to be biased despite his overeager attempts to be teacher's pet. 

Leo: Leo is the best and most reliable child. During singing time he picks "Do as I'm Doing" EVERY time without fail. The students have even caught on and start singing before he is through picking. He walks like a grandpa and often looks somber because all of his teeth are rotten, but he still has the cutest smile in the world!

Dave: Is so darn excited all the time and it makes me so darn excited! To keep him sitting, the Chinese teachers have started tying his shirt to the chair. Never met anyone so obsessed with the word "Saturday"and never met anyone that says it as cute as Dave.

Mason: You could classify Mason as a troublemaker. He certainly doesn't listen or obey the rules. But he loves loves loves English class. And hence I love him. I must have a thing for bad boys.

Beyonce: Yes, I named one of my children Beyonce. She's got style like no other five yr old I know. And she's got the best staredown of ANYONE I know. During the first week if I tried to talk to her she would look me straight in the eyes and not say a word. She's not shy, she's gutsy. (Now of course we are fast friends while she still resists authority.)

Lulu, Cici, and Suzy: Probably my smartest and most well behaved children. I thank God for them everyday. But they also dubbed my nicknames "teacher mommy" and "teacher monkey" depending on the day.

James: Two words: class clown. James loves to makes everyone laugh and I tend to giggle right along with everyone else. Yet he seems to hold his own in the English speaking department too. Props to you, James. Props to you.
Hardy: Cried everyday in class for a whole two months before he wasn't afraid of me. Don't underestimate the power of bubbles and stickers in a relationship.

Frankie: Honestly, I don't know why I like Frankie but I do.

To be honest, I could write about ALL 68 kids because they are all so loud, obnoxious, quirky, and CUTE. Getting to teach them is the best thing China had to give.


  1. precious beyond words! this is the best thing that has ever graced your blog!

    1. ps. Hardy is not so hardy of a man #crybaby

    2. Ill bring one home for you and Sam lol

  2. this is the cuuuuutest bring me one too plz
