Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I got to go on a FIELD TRIP! Sadly, it wasn't with my babies but I'll take it. Shae, Nichole, Brinley, Mckae, and I went with the ELE group. We had no idea what was in store, but we showed up at an amusement park! Well a mini, really ghetto amusement park but I'll take it. So here's the thing. I don't know any of these kids at all. BUT right off the bus, one girl comes up to me, puts her arm around my shoulder, and whispers, "Shhhh Teacher.....I'm Abby." To which I replied, "Oh hello, Abby. Are we secret friends?" And she replied, "Yes Teacher." So the rest of the day Abby was attached to my arm or my leg or my phone. She was sort of a clingy friend but I'll take it, ya know.

The first event of the field trip was an INSANE acrobat show. There were two kids who were as buff as Mr. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson that rollerbladed and lifted each other in the air and I was like "Shenme?!"(which is "What?!" in Chinese for all you newbies) and then there was this girl with abs of steel and she hoola hooped up a storm. Like she really was in a tornado of hoola hoops. And of course I watched the whole shabang next to my new friend Abby.

THEN we painted piggy banks. Weirdest amusement park activity right, but I'll take it. My once innocent chubby girl turned into a rainbow biker child from hell but there was no going back. I'm pretty sure she will haunt me in my dreams. And now yours too.

Next up, LUNCH. I didn't bring anything to eat because I had nothing at my apartment. But there was a FEAST. The kids unloaded mounds and mounds of different things and had me try everything! No lunchables at this lunch party. We are talking meat flavored chips, and weird dried fruit, and little cakes, and oreos, and seaweed, and chicken feet, and jello, and milk lollipops. There were some questionable flavors, but I'll take it. Honestly, it was so cute how they all traded food and shared with all of us. 

After lunch we went to the area with rides. We didn't technically have tickets so we just sat in the grass as the kids did there thing. The amusement park was mostly empty except for a few school groups. It was so funny cause most of the groups were more interested in talking to us than they were in the rollercoasters. Perks of being a (American) wallflower. And THEY even threw random food at us! I'll take it! 

See that kid sneaking a pic of our blondie?

The ride home I sat next to Abby of course and she took videos on my phone and pretended to bite me with her recently purchased rubber snake. She told me that her piggy bank broke and requested mine. More out of relief than love, I let Abby take the demon child off my hands. I'm sure she will love the evil out of it.

Some bus friends <3

Abby took a bajillion pics of this angle of my face. 

And there was the day! Got new friends, free food, and even got a little bit of sun! I'll definitely take it!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I'm dying!! Love this so much!! "She'll love he evil out of it" brilliant! 😂
