Friday, March 27, 2015

Food for Thought

Sometimes I forget that I'm eating rice
for every meal cause there's no price
And soy sauce makes the rice a treat
And at least we don't eat chicken feet

Sometimes I forget that there are bones
in all the meat because I zone
out with the excitement of eating food
that is so different and so new

Sometimes I forget that weekend meals
Give me the wrong kind of feels
Because usually what we eat 
Looks more like throw-up than mystery meat

Sometimes I forget what it's really like
to know what you're eating before taking a bite
But that whole fish laying on my plate
tasted like salmon and was top rate

Lunch is probably my favorite meal
And for dinner we play deal or no deal
One day we were even given feast
With rice cakes, crab, and other delectable treats

The lunch chefs here really are so nice
to feed us hamburgers or a pizza slice
even with octopus paired right across
Eating snail still wasn't the biggest loss

Sometimes I forget how happy I can be 
with a gallon of ice cream next to me
But that oatmeal dessert also was yummy
and those steamed buns really filled my tummy

Sometimes I forget that American stuff
Is salty, sweet, and full of fluff
Because the soy milk here is really great 
And I always get a full plate 

Sometimes I remember that food is food
And a full stomach is better than being rude
And ice cream comes and ice cream goes
And China life is worth a few food woes.

it's bacon right?

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