Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Fowl Play: A Story of Chickens and Swans


It was a quick day of teaching and then it was "what to do, what to do?!" Solved that problem real fast cause my cousin Brian was in town to visit his gf and she just HAPPENED to live right next to Ningbo! China's big but it's such a small small world. So we hopped on a bus to meet for dinner! And that dinner was HOTPOT. Been wanting to do this since coming to China and it was so fun! Basically you pick a bunch of things you want and to eat and then you cook it all in a bowl on your table. But this is CHINA hotpot so we got the fun stuff: two kinds of mushrooms that were to DIE for, nooooooodles, chicken+chicken feet, beef, and corn. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! COCONUTS. I drank from it, like with a straw, like I want it all the time, like am I from the Central Valley or what is this "like" business? Everything was cooked in coconut water too and hence was extra delicious.

Let me say a few words about chicken feet. Of course I HAD to try one. But really how do you eat it? It's all bones and skin. Ended up just pulling some skin off with my teeth and called it a success.

Left with a full tummy and full heart. It was so fun seeing Brian and talking to his girlfriend who is the cutest person ever! 


As mentioned previously, Saturdays are for ADVENTURES. And this was one. We have wanted to go to the Baoguo Temple in Ningbo for quite some time but it has proven difficult to find. This day was no different. We rode the 337 bus line the whole way trying to find this dang temple and to no avail. But did we settle for a day of no adventure? Absolutely not!! 

We decided to hit another bucket list item. Paddle boats on Moon lake. Greatest 30 min adventure I've ever had. Pics or it didn't happen, right?

bird's eye view

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