Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Yangshuo was everything I expected and more. We had a whopping 5 days in Yangshuo so this is where the vacation REALLY started. We had time for whatever we pleased. The first day Rachel and I went to the Li River which was a block away from our hostel and walked around West Street. THis place is tourist heaven. It's basically just a line of shops, street vendors, so so much good food, and tons of people. It's like Mardi Gras every night! Rachel and I snuck into a cemetary on a mountain and climbed up until we found a cave and a great view. We were all still pretty tired from traveling so that night we watched MULAN at our hostel. We had wanted to watch this forever and it finally happened. Dreams come true in Yangshuo.

West Street 

The next day we started with a bang. Mopeds to the Li River and Bamboo Rafting! The raft guides had a fun time splashing us and we cruised the Li river with nothing but smiles. Syd and I also took many a selfie. We had a brief quarrel with the moped people but decided not to let it ruin our day. 

We hung out on West Street instead. I could walk up and down that street a thousand times and never get sick of it. It seemed like there was always something new happening. Also they have the best coconut milk and dumplings and ice cream and people. We got fish pedicures that night and stayed for two hours just talking. So fun.

The next day Rachel, Nichole, Kelsey, and I went on a hike to Moon Hill. I have never been so sweaty and it was the shortest hike ever. But southern China has a certain humidity that you just can't escape. We also maybe might've mooned Moon Hill but I'll save you from those pictures.

Then when we met farmer lady. She was so funny that we just had to buy mud cave tickets from her. And she gave us a great deal! After our ticket purchasing, Rachel and I headed to Butterfly Mountain to meet up with some rock climbers we had met the night previously. Anyo is his name and climbing is his game. No really he is sponsored by North Face and is so so good. Only problem was that it started pouring rain when we were walking there. So Rachel got in one climb and then we decided to come back another day. I rode back to the city with no other than Chicken Brother. He is Mongolian, flirty, and drinks like a sailor. He told me to "hold tight" as we rode back on his moped. I got some weird looks on that ride and I probably made some too because we were going so fast! Now inducted into the climbers club, Anyo and Chicken brother invited us to dinner with all of their friends. We went to "I Love Fish" where we had a feast of beer battered fish. I couldn't understand anything they were saying at dinner but everything was so funny. And good ol' Chicken Brother got our tab! What a guy. Walking back Rachel bought this mask, we danced with some old guy on West Street, and watched Cast Away at our hostel. Blissfully good day.

The next day we took a bus to the Mud Caves. China is one giant marketplace. They sell everything and anything anywhere. Even the caves had things for sale and you had to bypass this section of souvenirs to get to the mud bath part. Also I decided that I want my future profession to be Stalactite Namer. They had some weird ones in the Gold Water Cave and I think I could do better. Anyway, then it was time to be pigs and take a good long mud bath (mud fights and mud slide included). Following all this exfoliation fun we decided to lounge in the adjoining hot spring cave. Skinny dipped. Oops.
 Getting back to the hostel we watched School of Rock and then hit West Street again because we can't get enough. I bought myself a dress, KFC butterscotch ice cream and the best donut China has produced. It was basically American. Now HERE'S a good story. West Street has several shop that sell this granola bar/seed stuff. It's all the rage in China. And they have samples at every store. So naturally I take a sample every time I pass by. The problem? I'm white and I have been to West Street more than a few times by now. Long story short, I got rejected! From FREE samples! So embarrassing.

The next day Nichole, Brinley, Rachel and I went rock climbing again with Anyo. It was my 1st time climbing outside and it was worth all the hype. We also got to climb with the nicest Canadian and Jewish girls. Anyo was so good to us and there couldn't have been a better climber to go with. Nichole, Brin, and I wanted to leave earlier than Rachel to find a place to swim. We had to get back to the city but couldn't find anyone to take us for a good price. Finally we got this guy to take us on his moped. 4 people, 1 moped, 2 much fun. Then we rented our own mopeds and basically went on a tour of Yangshou. Two things: 1. I am really bad at turning on a moped. 2. Driving in China is crazy. Those two things made for a very interesting day and luckily Nichole was a very good sport on the back of my moped. We never found the swimming place but we stopped to eat some famous Guilin noodles and some quality girl talk. THen we were back on the mopeds for another ride.

That night Kate and Rachel and I hit West Street for the last time to celebrate Yangshuo and our friendship. Kate would be leaving in just one day!! But we tried not to think about it. We joined some people dancing on a table, went to McDonalds, and made a toast to our friendship. then we befriended Snake and Jake. This odd duo asked us if we were American or Austrailian. I would proudly claim the latter but we told the truth and ended up talking to them for like 2 hours in good ol' Mickey D's. China has some great people let me tell ya.

The next day we said goodbye to our beloved Yangshuo and went to the rice terraces in Guilin. Syd and I walked to the top of the Ping'an Zhuang Rice Terrace and it was gorgeous and SWEATY. but we took a photoshoot anyway because YOCHO (you only china once).

We got back to Guilin and to be honest we were disappointed. It's a ghost city compared to Yangshuo. No street food?! No parties? NO STEAMED BUNS? And you call yourself Chinese...tsk tsk. But we can make almost anything a party and Guilin was no exception. We got ice cream, sat by the river, and talked about almost everything. It was Kate and Syd's last day on the vacay with us. so sad. Can I just say again that I have the best friends!

LAST day in Guilin: Or so we thought...We watched movies ALL DAY. Now You See Me, Catch Me If You Can, Bourne Identity, 500 Days of Summer. We took a shuttle to the airport only to hear the worst news of our lives. FLIGHT CANCELLED. So apparently in China there are these things called Typhoons that reak havoc and make it impossible for airplanes to fly. Point is we were stuck in Guilin for another day. Tropical Paradise was ripped from our fingers.

Real LAST day in Guilin: WE slept at the airport hotel, made up dialogues to Chinese soap operas, went a little stir crazy, got a complimentary breakfast, took a nap, and then FINALLY landed a plane for SANYA!!!

1 comment:

  1. oh my you are my favorite. skinny dipping? mooning moon hill? you are literally the funnest person i know. also your maroon dress! also LOL at no free samples. also SCOOTERING IN CHINA so scary but so fun right?! ahhhh
