Wednesday, June 10, 2015


We are leaving Ningbo on Friday and I can't keep back the tears! This place feels more like home than I could've imagined. And while living at the school has been interesting to say the least, I wouldn't change a thing. We have had more than our share of adventures in our Ningbo Neighborhood including the following:

Harry Potter Marathon: Watched all 8 of the movies back to back (except for that 3 hour block where we had to teach English...) We LIVED at Hogwarts that day.
Eating literal frozen yogurt in our makeshift theatre.

Zumba: Taught by Bad-A Russian teacher Natasha on Thursday nights. We try to keep up with her.

Disco Skating: Found a rink close to our apartment and fell on our butts too many times.

Clubbing: Step 1: Strut into the club like you own it, cause you do. Step 2: Head straight for the stage and dance until you die of second hand smoke Step 3: Never have to pay a dime for a great night on the town.

Bus-sian Roulette: Rules of the game: get on a random bus and explore the city and buy fruit. Then find your way home without hiccups. Check and check.

Croc-pot Fondue: Everyone buy a chocolate bar. Melt it in tiny crocpot we found. Dip bananas and angel food cake in chocolate. Die of American-ness.

Aussie Pie: Went to this place for Rachel's birthday and floated home with dreams of apple pie and rum raisin ice cream.

Hotpot with Nichole's Parents: Ate too much food and then went to McDonalds for ice cream.

Lord of the Rings Marathon: Started with the 3 Hobbits and ended with tears cause Sam is the real hero of LOTR.

Tesco Runs: Similar to Walmart runs in America where you go in rain boots, sweatpants and greasy top knots.

Night Markets: Shop 'til you drop. Or until you find contacts that make you resemble Twilight vampires.

Mission to find DVD store: Turned mission to escape first asian lesbian.

Frog Prison: Catch as many frogs as possible, lock them in one room, and name them after Presidents of the United States.

Tuck In: Painting nails, singing songs, cats cradle, coloring, gossiping, and braiding hair. AKA QUALITY GIRL TIME.

Ice Cream Runs: Put this right before working out because that's usually when it occurred.

Working Out: Started strong with 200 squats a day and finished with gazing at Sydney while she does thousands of situps.

BBall games: Keep the ball away from Teacher Megan.

Most days and nights were ordinary. But that's why it was so amazing. Ningbo has become a HOME. A place where I did laundry, grocery shopping, and chores. A place where I have experienced the unbearable cold and the muggy heat. A place where my hair has grown 2 inches and a place where I have a family. A place I have been so long that our favorite noodle place is now moved to a different location!! We get sick of the wifi and decorate the walls and rearrange our beds just like we would in any American apartment. Which makes it all the harder to leave. We are leaving behind friends and frenemies (sorry lunch lady) and so so so many memories.

Ningbo will forever have a soft spot in my heart and I apologize in advance for when I come home and only talk about about China like an annoying return missionary. But it's MY PLACE!

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