Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Going back for Seconds!

This vacation. You don't even want to get me started! But let me get started. Eh hem.

Shanghai Round Two: We got in late on the train Wednesday night and Kelsey, Nichole, Brinley, Rachel, and I went to our hostel. Guitars. There were guitars! This room in the hostel had a bar and twinkle lights and tables and couches and GUITARS. I've missed playing or just aimlessly strumming my baby. So Rachel and I stayed up into the night playing along to Hotel California. Bliss.

We headed to the Shanghai Wild Animal Park in the morning. Most of the reason we came back to Shanghai was to to ride an elephant! Well and to catch a train to Xian, but RIDING ELEPHANTS. Worth 8 bucks right? Our newest hobby is trying to make it on Ellen. We printed out Ellen masks for everyone and laminated them so we could chronicle Ellen's journey in China with us. Don't worry Ellen rode an elephant too. Actually she went a few times and never had to pay! She's just THAT cool ya know. 

The Wild Animal Park itself is pretty cool even without the elephant riding. They have the most random animal talent show where monkeys ride bikes and bears do somersaults on bars and white girls ride horses. Its quite a treat. We also saw some baby lions and baby bears but unfortunately couldn't hold them because they were too little. 

Lookin extra creepy and weird.

After the park we went to the markets to meet up with Kate and do any last minute gift shopping. Done with shopping, Rachel and I went to the KFC next to the market to get an ice cream. There were a whole bunch of American guys who turned around and said "white people!" In China you acknowledge any other people you see that aren't Asian. Apparently we stumbled upon a group of BMX racers all here for the week. We chatted with them for a while and heard some interesting stories and more than a few choice f words. Comes with the territory. 

After following our new friends on snapchat and finishing our ice cream we headed to THE BUND! Ok this was also one of the main reasons we came back to Shanghai. And it was so beautiful!

As of late, we also find ourselves flash mob dancing at every appropriate occasion. We learned part of "Beat It" and "Thriller" for our school talent show in May so now we bust that out in public squares. The Chinese eat it up! We decided to do it on the bund and gathered quite a crowd. Americans can get away with just about anything in China. And awful synchronized dancing is one of them. 

Sure gonna miss this beautiful city full of handsome foreigners, discount markets, and great views.


1 comment:

  1. hahaha you're the funniest. looks like a blast! vv jelly of the elephant rides
