Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Too much has happened this 5 day weekend to even make this into 4 blog posts but I'm going to try! And I will not be offended if you skip to the pictures. I just want to remember it all because it was so perfect!

We left Friday morning early, waited on on the street for a taxi, taxi never came, prayed for a taxi, finally got a taxi, had a 7 hour train ride and made it to BEIJING!  Our hostel was The Three-legged Frog and was the cutest place. Kate, Rachel, and I stayed in a room with randoms and the other girls had their own room. That night we met our bunkmate, Tom, who was from England. Due to his glasses and quite small frame I was not expecting Tom to be do I say this...BADA$$. But he was. He has been traveling the world for the last year, rock climbing and doing what he pleases. Kate and Rachel made fun of me about how intrigued I was with him but believe me he was cool. Our other 2 bunkmates were older gentlemen probably in their 30s and 40s. I do not know their names because we never spoke to one another. But we named the long blonde hair, smoker Reggie and the other grumpy man The Snorer.

Friday night was open so we hit the night markets for some CRAZY FOOD! After that night I crossed duck tongue, starfish, crickets, liver, scorpion, and a whole baby bird off my "TO EAT" list! I am not one to shy away from weird food and so this night was like Christmas. Honestly. I loved just walking around seeing everyone gawk and (literally) gag on weird things normal people wouldn't think of ingesting. It was like Fear Factor! So so much fun and I could eat a whole bag of scorpions they were so good (granted they were fried).

1 comment:

  1. so awesome!! I wouldn't shy away from all those foods either!
